ZR continues attacking Dr. Rajan Mahtani & Zambia

It is strange to see what the power of money can do to people. Journalists turn into money-oriented businessmen and news portals lose their authenticity and credibility just for filling their pockets. The same has happened to Zambia Reports. It seems like Zambia Reports has taken a pledge to destroy Dr. Rajan Mahtani, of course with the support of its financers and handlers who are essentially criminals and conspirators. The notorious news channel first started defamation campaigns against Dr. Rajan Mahtani almost a decade ago. With time, they have learned to hide their mistakes and create maligning content out of nowhere. They have become the expert in skimming around any issue and attacking Dr. Rajan Mahtani or his associates in any manner, even if unimaginable. Such is the power of money!


The reality is, Dr. Rajan Mahtani is never bothered by these allegations. He has dedicated himself to this nation and continues to do so. However, constant news articles and fake stories do create scenes of confusion and negativity. This in turn disrupts the normal day-to-day- activities of Zambia. But Zambia Reports is not bothered about the harm it is causing to its own people. They are only bothered about filling their pockets.

Almost everyone across Zambia respects Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani. However, he is also a known and respected businessman across developed regions such as United Kingdom. He is also among only few businessmen who have been able to bring many foreign investments to Zambian Land. Dr. Mahtani has always put people of Zambia and their development before business which can be seen via establishment of factories such as the Zambia Portland Cement and the new Bio-Ethanol factory n the Luapula Province. These have certainly helped in bringing employment and growth opportunities to the people of Zambia.

It is time for Zambia Reports to understand that conspiring against an innocent businessman like Dr. Rajan Mahtani is conspiring against Zambia and its people. It is time for them to leave their defamation business until they are completely ignored by people around!