Sold media fails to defame Finance Bank and Dr. Mahtani

Finance Bank and Dr. Rajan Mahtani were once again put into headlines by the notorious Zambia Reports. This time they capitalised on the incident with Lamsaat. However, any sane individual who is aware of ZR’s activities will know that the news portal has lost all its journalism ethics and has turned into a money making business entity. The recent article was only a slap in the face of ZR itself. An interesting fact is that, every time ZR publishes such article, it receives no support from its peers in the journalism industry. Reason? These articles are merely fragment of imagination from the author and have no relation to reality whatsoever. The sad part is that ZR is not bothered by its degrading reputation. This is because they are supported by conspirators who can silent truth anyone with the power of money.


The incident between Lamsaat and Finance Bank has no relation with Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani whatsoever. It is a known fact that Finance Bank was handed over to BancABC for USD 62 million of valuation. Since then, all management and operations of FBZ is under the control of BancABC. Same was the decision to call Lamsaat for loan repayment. The call was made due to default on Lamsaat’s part and it was an entirely internal process. However, ZR twisted the main event, and somehow managed to bring Dr. Rajan Mahtani in the article claiming that the call for repayment was actually made on Dr. Mahtani’s instructions. They further alleged that Dr. Rajan Mahtani was operating Finance Bank in secrecy.

This incident is a great slap for the government, who in spite of seeing everything is doing nothing. Unlike his conspirators, Dr. Rajan Mahtani will never take matter into his own hands to retaliate or prove himself. Zambia Reports have become a media where conspirators auction their fake stories for money and the highest bidder gets their story published. And nor the law officials not the government is doing anything about this.