Fic Reveals The Name Of Individuals Caught In Money Laundering

Just a few days ago, Zambian government and its citizens were shocked by the revelation made by FIC (Financial Intelligence Agency), an intelligence agency in Zambia. FIC revealed a list of names that were involved in money laundering scheme. This list comprised of high-profile lawyers, legal counselors, and owners of firms, government contractors and even ministers. This list is not conclusive yet and as per the investigators, the numbers could increase in future as the investigation deepens.

Money Laundering

Suspicions started to occur when the number of illicit cash transactions recorded more than 35,700 and the amount involved in these transactions reached more than USD 1 billion. These transactions were linked to the individual as well as corporate bank accounts. As per the investigation, almost fifty percent of the firms investigated received government contracts without even having proper tax registration. At the same time, some of these companies belonged to individuals who were politically exposed and used surrogates for conducting businesses in their names. One of the names that have popped out of the list is that of Sakwiba Sikota, the owner of Central Chambers law firm and legal counselor for the Ventriglias. The Ventriglias are already infamous for their illicit activities, the unlawful capture of factories and businesses etc. This connection with the Ventriglias and his name in the list is a clear indication that these lawyers and top political figures are wrongfully using their power and position to gain personal wealth by using illegal resources.

It has also been suspected that the cash transfers are coming from regions such as China and Dubai, which are the safe havens for illicit money. Also, the amount of money involves in these cash transactions is just shy of 1 billion dollars. These numbers reveal the sorry state of the Zambian law and order and it is high time the government should start strengthening their force and punish those violating their power and position.